2023 Christmas Gift - Riedel Wine Glass
A single purchase of HKD 2,388 or above will be entitled to one piece of Rediel Wine Glass
How to enjoy the offer:
1. Login to your member account.
2. Add the "Riedel Wine Glass" (SKU:M400108) product to your shopping cart.
將「Riedel Wine Glass」加至購物車
3. Apply the promotion code "MDXMAS23" at checkout.
結帳頁面於右側欄輸入優惠碼「MDXMAS23 」
4. Finish the transaction!
- 優惠推廣期由2023年12月1日至2024年1月2日。數量有限,送完即止。
- 此優惠僅適用於Madison Wine官方網店。
- 此優惠不可與任何其他推廣優惠同時使用 。
- 每位客戶只可使用優惠一次 。
- 此優惠不可兌換現金及不可轉讓。如需取消交易或退款,需退回有關贈品。
- 單次購物淨額滿HKD 2,388即可獲贈Rediel酒杯乙隻 。
- 所有圖片僅供參考。一切以實物為準。
- 如有任何爭議,Madison Wine Club Limited保留最終決定權。
Terms and Conditions:
- Offer valid from 01 December 2023 to 02 January 2024. First come first seve, while stocks last.
- Promotion offers are available at Madison Wine online shop only.
- The promotion offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotion offers.
- One use per customer.
- The gift is non-exchangeable for cash and non-transferable. In case of cancellation or refund, gift items should be returned together with the product in good condition for exchange or refund; otherwise, customers have to pay for the price of the gifts.
- A single purchase of HKD 2,388 or above will be entitled to one piece of Rediel Wine Glass which cannot be used cumulatively.
- In case of disputes, decision of Madison Wine Club Limited shall be final and conclusive.