
Traditional Rice Dumpling and Sparkling

傳統鹹肉糭 配 橘香氣泡酒

Garden Spritz is a delightful companion to traditional sticky rice dumplings! Its refreshing and slightly sweet flavour perfectly complements the fresh aroma of bamboo leaves, mushrooms, pork belly, and salty egg yolk within the dumpling. It balances the richness of the rice dumpling, while the subtle citrus aftertaste lingers in your mouth.   氣泡酒配搭傳統鹹肉糭一同品嚐必定會為你帶來驚喜!清爽帶微甜的Garden Spritz既與飄散出的竹葉清香、冬菇、五花腩肉、蛋黃鹹香的糯米糭相互交融,更可中和糭子帶來的油膩感,微妙的柑橘回甘餘韻,讓你齒頰留香。


Alkaline Rice Dumpling and Sweet Wine

鹼水糉 配 貴腐甜酒

Apart from the traditional sticky rice dumplings with pork, sweet dumplings filled with bean paste are also a popular choice. For the best pairing, enjoy them with renowned sweet wines such as Tokaji from Hungary and Sauternes from France. These wines are highly regarded noble-rotted dessert wines that harmonise beautifully with the flavours of the sweet sticky rice dumplings.

Oremus Tokaji Aszu 5 Puttonyos 2013 is one of the best noble-rotted dessert wines, with multi-layers of aromas and flavours that are balanced with a nice acidity. It boasts a delightful and refined sweetness, accompanied by subtle aromas of lychees, white peaches, and candied lemons. Sweet and luscious with a creamy, peachy palate. Acidity gives it a lift on the finish and balances the sweetness of the sticky rice dumplings.

其中,Oremus Tokaji Aszu 5 Puttonyos 2013更是貴腐甜酒中的佼佼者。這款酒散發著成熟優雅的香甜氣息,淡淡的花香混合柑橘及熱帶水果的香甜,餘韻中帶有蜂蜜味,口感圓潤,富層次感。當您咬一口甜糭,再品嚐一口這款甜酒,酒液中蘊含的精緻酸度巧妙地平衡了甜糭的甜膩感,使得整體口感更加和諧。

Summer Offer 初夏推廣

Wanna enjoy the unbeatable price of wine from Margaux region?
Unlock the offer up to HKD 100 off!

*The Summer Offer is applicable to customers who purchased 2 sets of "Sweet Summer" during the promotion period.
*此優惠僅適用於在推廣期間內購買2套"Sweet Summer"的顧客。

All wines are available on Madison Wine website. 所有葡萄酒均可在Madison Wine 網站上購買。